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‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 81127901, 81227004, 81473692, 81673995, 11374155, 11574156, 11274170, 11274176, 11474001, 11474161, 11474166, and 11674173), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. BK2011812), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2012AA022702).
Transdermal drug delivery (TDD) can effectively bypass the first-pass effect. In this paper, ultrasound-facilitated TDD on fresh porcine skin was studied under various acoustic parameters, including frequency, amplitude, and exposure time. The delivery of yellow–green fluorescent nanoparticles and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA) in the skin samples was observed by laser confocal microscopy and ultraviolet spectrometry, respectively. The results showed that, with the application of ultrasound exposures, the permeability of the skin to these markers (e.g., their penetration depth and concentration) could be raised above its passive diffusion permeability. Moreover, ultrasound-facilitated TDD was also tested with/without the presence of ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs). When the ultrasound was applied without UCAs, low ultrasound frequency will give a better drug delivery effect than high frequency, but the penetration depth was less likely to exceed 200 μm. However, with the help of the ultrasound-induced microbubble cavitation effect, both the penetration depth and concentration in the skin were significantly enhanced even more. The best ultrasound-facilitated TDD could be achieved with a drug penetration depth of over 600 μm, and the penetration concentrations of fluorescent nanoparticles and HA increased up to about 4–5 folds. In order to get better understanding of ultrasound-facilitated TDD, scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the surface morphology of skin samples, which showed that the skin structure changed greatly under the treatment of ultrasound and UCA. The present work suggests that, for TDD applications (e.g., nanoparticle drug carriers, transdermal patches and cosmetics), protocols and methods presented in this paper are potentially useful.
Compared with oral administration of drugs, transdermal drug delivery (TDD) has great advantages in that it avoids gastrointestinal degradation and bypasses the first-pass effect.[1,2] However, the use of TDD has been limited because the uppermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), is not sufficiently permeable to allow effective transfer of drugs into the skin.[3]
Numerous innovative technologies have been developed to temporarily increase skin permeability to improve applicability of TDD. These include radio frequency (RF) cell ablation, iontophoresis, electroporation, micro-needles and sonophoresis.[2,4–6] As a very effective TDD method, iontophoresis has been studied for the last 30 years.[7,8] Its major disadvantage is that drugs must be ionized before delivery. Electroporation uses short, high voltage pulses to increase skin permeability.[9] However, its use is limited because the electrical pulses cause pain.[10]
Ultrasound-facilitated TDD, otherwise known as sonophoresis, increases skin permeability.[1] In the last two decades, there has been an exponential increase in the study of ultrasound for enhancing transdermal transport of a variety of drugs and vaccines.[11–20] Sonophoresis has been shown to effectively deliver various types of drugs regardless of their electrical characteristics and to be easily coupled with other TDD methods to enhance drug delivery rates.[1,21,22]
The permeability enhancements induced by sonophoresis are determined by four major ultrasound parameters: frequency, intensity, duty cycle, and application time.[23–26] As a further variable, the application of ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) was also considered in the study of ultrasound-facilitated TDD. Park et al.[27] found that, for delivery of glycerol across porcine skin, adding 0.1% UCA Definity® to the insonated medium (ultrasound frequency of 1 MHz) enhanced delivery further. Park et al.[28] also demonstrated that this combination was useful in vivo in rats for enhancing the mass transport of agents with molecular weights of 4, 20, and 150 kDa (1 Da = 1.66054 × 10−27 kg).
However, the fundamental mechanism of sonophoresis has not been well understood.[1] Several proposed mechanisms include thermal effects by absorption of ultrasound energy and cavitation effects caused by collapse and oscillation of cavitation bubbles in the ultrasound field. Of these two effects, cavitation is believed to be the predominant mechanism responsible for sonophoresis.[27–30] Though cavitation can be an aggressive process, sonophoresis was shown not to cause significant skin damage.[23,31]
Moreover, the most studied drug in TDD is insulin, a 5.6-kDa small molecular protein used in the treatment of type one diabetes mellitus,[11] while few studies have been reported regarding the transdermal delivery of high molecular weight drugs. It has been reported that the capability of rigid nanoparticles serving as transdermal drug carriers is dependent on their ability to penetrate the skin at sufficient depths and in sufficient quantities.[32] Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a linear anionic polysaccharide with a molecular weight range of 10 kDa–1000 kDa. Normally, HA forms an entanglement network in dilute solution,[33,34] and this network plays a role in its uses for physical protection and therapy. Examples of such applications of HA are in moisturizing cosmetics, joint injections for osteoarthritis and space-makers for ophthalmologic operation.[35,36] Reports of TDD of HA cosmetics are relatively rare in the literature.
In the current study, TDD of yellow-green fluorescent nanoparticles and HA was examined in porcine skin samples under different ultrasound parameters (e.g., frequency, amplitude, and exposure time), with or without the presence of UCAs. The results of the present work would give us a better understanding of the mechanism involved in ultrasound-facilitated TDD.
Porcine skin was chosen as a human skin model based on the following considerations:[11,37] the thicknesses of different layers is similar to those in human skin; the elastic properties and cellular composition are comparable; the speed of sound, approximately 1720 m/s, is not significantly higher in porcine than in human skin, in which it varies between 1498 m/s and 1650 m/s.
The experimental system for modeling porcine skin drug delivery (Fig.
A piece of fresh porcine back skin (3-mm thickness) was shaved, cut into 20 cm2 round pieces and placed in water at 37 °C for 1 min to wash away the oil on the skin surface. The porcine skin sample was then placed in the middle of the Franz diffusion cell and fixed by clamping. A sound-absorbing rubber was placed at the bottom of the cell to avoid ultrasound reflection from the bottom.
Before use, yellow–green fluorescent nanoparticles with a diameter of 50 nm and a density of 1.05 g/cm3 (Fluoro-MaxTM G50, Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA) were shaken well and 10 μl of the middle layer nanoparticles was added into 2-ml water for each experiment. This resulted in a 1:200 mixture to be subsequently injected into the diffusion cell.
A total of 100-μl HA (0.6 MDa–1.1 MDa, Sigma–Aldrich Shanghai Trading Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China) was dissolved in 2-ml water and then placed in the diffusion cell. The methods used were as described for the fluorescent nanoparticle experiments (Steps 1–4).
Following the incubations for the permeation experiments, the fluorescent nanoparticle mixture was removed. Degassed water (2 ml) was injected into the diffusion cell and then the cell was gently shaken to remove any fluorescent nanoparticles residues on the surface of the porcine skin. The penetration depth and concentration of the fluorescent nanoparticles were determined by laser confocal microscopy (Revolution XD, Andor, UK). For every acoustic parameter set, three replicated experiments were performed. In each experiment, a piece of circular sample (1-cm diameter) was cut from the central part of the treated porcine skin for the following observation. The skin sample was then spread gently on a special petri dish with a 0.13-mm-thick bottom glass for laser confocal microscopy examination. The laser confocal microscope was adjusted to stimulate with a 488-nm laser. The porcine skin sample was then placed near the focal plane to enable visualization of the penetration depth of fluorescent nanoparticles. The porcine skin slices did not always fit tightly in the dish. Hence every field in the slice was observed 10 times along the Z axis (ΔZ = 10 μm) before the maximum fluorescence intensity projection along the Z axis was determined. The distributions of nanoparticle penetration depth and concentration throughout the cross-section of the skin sample were determined with the laser con-focal microscopic observations, under different ultrasound parameters.
Following the incubations for the permeation experiments, the HA mixture was removed. Deionized water (2 ml) was injected into the diffusion cell and it was gently shaken to clear any HA adhered to the surface of the porcine skin. Subsequently, HA that had penetrated into the porcine skin was extracted with ethanol and its concentration measured by UV (ultra-violet) spectroscopy.
A 10-cm2 sample of the central part of the porcine skin was cut and dehydrated in anhydrous ethanol for 12 h. After dehydration, the sample was dried at low temperature and pressure for 24 h (−50 °C, 0.01 kPa) by a freeze dry system (Labconco 7740070, MO, USA) before milling to a powder. Subsequently, the intensity and 6 volumes of deionized water were added to a beaker, and then incubated overnight with stirring.
The filtrate was extracted and filtered and 10% solid sodium chloride was added, followed by mixing with a glass rod until the sodium chloride was completely dissolved. Subsequently, an equal volume of a chloroform and n-butanol solution (chloroform:n-butanol, 4:1) was added and the mixture placed in a liquid separation funnel. It was then stirred for 3 h and the upper clear phase collected for testing.
In addition, HA solutions of 5, 1, 0.2, and 0.04 v/v% were prepared, at 4 ml each. Their UV absorption spectra were measured in a spectrophotometer and peak absorbances determined to construct a standard curve for calculating HA concentrations in the skin extracts. To eliminate the influence of HA from the porcine skin itself, the HA background from skin not incubated with exogenous HA was first determined.
A 20-mm2 piece from the central part of each porcine skin sample was cut and dehydrated in anhydrous ethanol for 12 h. The dehydrated samples were dried at low temperature and pressure for 24 h (−52 °C, 0.01 kPa) before observing the tissue distribution on the surface of the porcine skin with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (QUANTA200, FEI, NL, USA).
![]() | Fig. 2. Confocal images showing penetration depth and concentration in skin samples exposed to 10-min ultrasound with different frequencies and amplitudes. |
![]() | Fig. 3. Penetration (a) depth and (b) concentration of fluorescent nanoparticles in skin samples exposed to 10-min ultrasound with different pressure amplitudes and frequencies. |
The mean fluorescence intensity per unit area, which is used to quantify the penetration concentration of fluorescent nanoparticles, is also plotted as a function of ultrasound pressure amplitude, for different ultrasound frequencies. As shown in Fig.
Comparing Figs.
To further increase the penetration depth and concentration of nanoparticles, the surface of the porcine skin was pretreated with UCA microbubbles for 5 min to strengthen the ultrasound-induced microbubble cavitation effect.
The penetration depth and amount of fluorescent nanoparticles penetrating into the skin samples after the pretreatments are plotted in Fig.
Furthermore, it should be noticed that, for the skin samples exposed to ultrasound alone, both the penetration depth and concentration of nanoparticles increase with the decreasing ultrasound frequency (as shown in Fig.
The impact of ultrasound exposure time on the nanoparticle penetration depth and concentration was also assessed in the present work. Confocal images of porcine skin radial cross-sections showing the penetration depth of fluorescent nanoparticles with or without 60-min ultrasound exposure are shown in Fig.
Moreover, figure
For the high molecular weight (0.6 MDa–1.1 MDa) HA, the effects of ultrasound alone on TDD were similar to those for fluorescent nanoparticles. The UV absorbance values, indicating concentrations of HA permeating the skin exposed to ultrasound alone are shown in Fig.
Effects of UCA pretreatment on HA permeation were also similar to the results for fluorescent nanoparticles, but the enhancement effect, above ultrasound alone, was greater. The UV absorbance rate, indicating HA permeation into skin, after UCA pretreatment is shown in Fig.
The HA permeation amount over time with ultrasound exposure at 643.5 kHz and 100 kPa is shown in Fig.
Following ultrasonic stimulation, the skin permeability changes indicated that the ultrasound-induced microbubble cavitation might have an impact on the structure of the porcine skin. To assess morphological changes of skin under various circumstances, porcine skin was treated under three conditions (control sample untreated with ultrasound, skin sample exposed to ultrasound alone and skin sample treated by the combination of ultrasound and UCA). Immediately after the treatment, the samples were dehydrated, freeze-dried and, subsequently, observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
With ultrasonic stimulation alone, holes of 5 μm–20 μm are observed, and likely contributed to the penetration of nanoscale fluorescent nanoparticles and HA. The holes on the surface of the porcine skin after UCA pretreatment are as large as 100 μm, likely having a greater improvement on the penetration of high molecular weight drugs, such as HA. This might explain why the HA penetration enhancement after UCA pretreatment, compared with ultrasound alone, was greater than that of fluorescent nanoparticles.
This mechanical change of the porcine skin might be reversible below a certain ultrasonic pressure threshold. Figure
We primarily studied the impacts of various ultrasound parameters (e.g., frequency, pressure amplitude and exposure time) on TDD. We compared the natural penetration of agents through the skin to ultrasound-facilitated TDD, with or without UCA pretreatment. Under different conditions, we measured penetration efficacy based on the penetration depth and concentration of fluorescent nanoparticles and HA in the skin samples. Confocal microscopy and UV spectrophotometry results showed that the UCA pretreatment method could significantly improve the amounts of drugs penetrating the skin as well as their penetration depth.
SEM results showed that ultrasound-induced microbubble cavitation can temporarily change the surface morphology of the porcine skin, resulting in increased porosity. At appropriate treatment parameters these changes were reversible.
These results can significantly guide TDD, especially applications using transdermal drug carriers and high molecular weight drugs. More research is required in the future. For example, more drug permeation experiments should be conducted to develop transducers with improved performance and achieve more accurate calibration of ultrasound intensities. Furthermore, parameters such as lag time and duty factor have not yet been optimized. Because the skin characteristics of each body part and the viscosity of the drug can both affect the efficiency of drug delivery, specific protocols and ultrasound parameters will differ according to the application site and the drug being administered.
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